Sugar Land

Caution: It may Get too sweet or simply too sour for your taste, so BE WARE!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Finally...Finally...Finally......After being tagged twice I'm ready to do it...big shoutouts to Dee and's how it works:
In the 8 facts about [name], you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. At the end, you tag 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going. Each blogger must post these rules first.Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.At the end of the post, a blogger needs to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog…

1-Totally addicted to the Internet...I can stay days without going out but I may not survive without my shamil (the DSL service in the UAE)
2-As a child I wouldn't fall asleep without my mother's scarf....hell, I couldn't even drink milk without her fragrance invading my world...I was, I am and will always be a proud Mama's girl ;)
3-I drive a BMW IL 740....although I wanted a Hummer H3 my father was and still thinks an SUV is too much for me...I'm still fighting for my dream car...
4- I'm craaaaaaaaaaaazy about Hummer...ya right you heard me.....I in fact had a whole presentation in our marketing class dedicated to my favourite...
5-I can be really stubborn at times...especially around those who are close to me....well its my
6-I can be a very good listener and this I can vouch for......It is great when we listen to each other and share what we have....My mom says that when we share happiness it only increases and when we share our sorrows it only decreases.......
7-As much as I love eating food from outside, I still can't go long without home made food( in other words my mom's cooked food)...and that's why whenever we travel abroad we book furnished apartments rather than hotel rooms.
8-I'm a total Mac'y( as my friend Crazy would call me) I am addicted to Mac Chicken at McDonald's...

I guess that pretty much is.......yay....never knew that knowing facts about yourself can be such a difficult who to tag....why don't you guys choose yourself since there is no one really left???!!!!!


Saturday, August 18, 2007


Days seem quite harder than they used to...maybe I'm getting prepared for the "Real Life"....maybe that's the next step after seems everyone has a certain kind of expectation from you...and if you fail and decline to do something then you have fallen short or disappointed them....despite my best tries "NO" still seems to be a hard word to say....I try really hard to say it but somehow it sounds and feels so negative..I can't stand saying it don't know how I feel about hearing it (maybe the same) but again it is a very difficult word to come on my lips...not that I didn't say No before..but every time I said left a void inside of me to the point that it made me feel is either the feeling of I shouldn't have said it or I said it to the wrong person....I know its not always BAD to say NO...and it needs to be said sometimes...but I'm still struggling to become comfortable with this vocabulary ....

Lately I'm feeling very negative....I have no idea why...maybe I need a blue sky holiday...maybe I needed to spend some time away from my home and the daily life...but we couldn't go anywhere this summer because of my father's business commitments....maybe I'm complaining too much, coz the other day me and my friend were complaining about not being able to go anywhere this summer when her friend replied "isn't it funny that some people's main concern is complaining about not flying somewhere out of the country while others main concern is how there are gonna get by through the month with their limited amount of salaries".....Which is so true....but I still can't seem to keep my selfishness away from me for some reason.... the harder I tried the worst I became.......I feel my faith is becoming weaker and I'm not believing enough in things around me....insecurities seem to surround me from everywhere I need to restore my beliefs and re-charge my emotions...and at this point I could use a Little advise from my fellow don't shy away from commenting on my this post....PEACE.


Monday, August 13, 2007

1408 Movie Review

Before my long hectic weekend in the capital...I was able to check out a new horror movie called 1408...The movie stars John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson in lead roles and it is based on the famous American writer Stephen King's short story of the same name (other movies made based on his writings include; carrie and The Shining).

The movie revolves around an author (Cusack) who had claimed in his writings that he had encountered supernatural forces, when in reality he himself wonders whether such powers exists until he decides to move into the notorious room 1408 in the Dolphin hotel of New York City.

The movie does capture the essence of an agnostic and how he comes to believe in a higher power of both good and evil....The best thing about this movie was that it was based more on psychological thrill rather than blood, gore and all that revolting sequences....I personally loved the movie and thought that it did very well in re-establishing the definition of the horror genre.

But my friend thought it was sa5eef (silly).....well that's because it made your imagination go to places that the movie doesn't necessarily take you and that's how a horror movie should be...I mean gore and blood are not SCARY they are DISGUSTING...and there is a difference between being disgusted and frightened, and I'm sure if this movie doesn't scare you it won't disgust you either...I mean it is a far cry from that stupid Hostel movie ...and therefore I give this movie 4/5 for excellent acting by both Cusack and Jackson and the reliability of sudden scary psychological sequences rather than silly gory stuff....if you are a fan of the horror genre then you need to go and check 1408 out...

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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Stupid Girl(s)-The Arabic Version

I was listening to some old tracks I had in my ipod..and I came across Pink's Stupid girls...I remember all the buzz that was created when that song came out...simply because the lyrics and video mocked the current hot hollywood ladies of our times....But as A Muslim-Arab young lady, I was always interested in the status of women from my region and religion and I came across this poetry from the legendry poet Nizar Qabani called (Imra2a 7am8a2) :

هذا خطاب امرأة حمقاء
هل كتبت إليك قبلي امرأة حمقاء؟
اسمي انا ؟ دعنا من الأسماء
رانية أم زينب
أم هند أم هيفاء
اسخف ما نحمله ـ يا سيدي ـ الأسماء
يا سيدي
أخاف أن أقول مالدي من أشياء
أخاف ـ لو فعلت ـ أن تحترق السماء
فشرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يصادر الرسائل الزرقاء
يصادر الأحلام من خزائن النساء
يستعمل السكين
كي يخاطب النساء
ويذبح الربيع والأشواق
والضفائر السوداء
و شرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يصنع تاج الشرف الرفيع
من جماجم النساء
لا تنتقدني سيدي
إن كان الخط سيئاً
فإنني اكتب والسياف خلف بابي
وخارج الحجرة صوت الريح والكلاب
يا سيدي
عنترة العبسي خلف بابي
إذا رأى خطابي
يقطع رأسي
لو رأى الشفاف من ثيابي
يقطع رأسي
لو انا عبرت عن عذابي
فشرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يحاصر المرأة بالحراب
يبايع الرجال أنبياء
ويطمر النساء في التراب
لا تنزعج !
يا سيدي العزيز ... من سطوري
لا تنزعج !
إذا كسرت القمقم المسدود من عصور
إذا نزعت خاتم الرصاص عن ضميري
إذا انا هربت
من أقبية الحريم في القصور
إذا تمردت , على موتي ...
على قبري
على جذوري
و المسلخ الكبير
لا تنزعج يا سيدي !
إذا انا كشفت عن شعوري
فالرجل الشرقي
لا يهتم بالشعر و لا الشعور ...
الرجل الشرقي
لا يفهم المرأة إلا داخل السرير ...
معذرة .. معذرة يا سيدي
إذا تطاولت على مملكة الرجال
الأدب الكبير ـ طبعاً ـ أدب الرجال والحب كان دائماً
من حصة الرجال
والجنس كان دائما ً
مخدراً يباع للرجال
خرافة حرية النساء في بلادنا
فليس من حرية
أخرى ، سوى حرية الرجال
يا سيدي
قل ما تريده عني ، فلن أبالي سطحية . غبية .
مجنونة . بلهاء فلم اعد أبالي
لأن من تكتب عن همومها ..
في منطق الرجال امرأة حمقاء
ألم اقل في أول الخطاب أني
امرأة حمقاء ؟

-نزار قباني-

I don't really know how true it is to the current status of Arab-Muslim women...but there are many things in those lines where I can identify myself with....I even made some of my friends who are not really into the "women's Rights" thing read it, and to my surprise they liked it..despite the fact that this may be a little too bold for the conservetivative masses (including my friends) many people are having very subjective opinions about it...and now its time for my fellow bloggers to express their views on this little piece..Both MALE and FEMALE...