Stupid Girl(s)-The Arabic Version

I was listening to some old tracks I had in my ipod..and I came across Pink's Stupid girls...I remember all the buzz that was created when that song came out...simply because the lyrics and video mocked the current hot hollywood ladies of our times....But as A Muslim-Arab young lady, I was always interested in the status of women from my region and religion and I came across this poetry from the legendry poet Nizar Qabani called (Imra2a 7am8a2) :
هذا خطاب امرأة حمقاء
هل كتبت إليك قبلي امرأة حمقاء؟
اسمي انا ؟ دعنا من الأسماء
رانية أم زينب
أم هند أم هيفاء
اسخف ما نحمله ـ يا سيدي ـ الأسماء
يا سيدي
أخاف أن أقول مالدي من أشياء
أخاف ـ لو فعلت ـ أن تحترق السماء
فشرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يصادر الرسائل الزرقاء
يصادر الأحلام من خزائن النساء
يستعمل السكين
كي يخاطب النساء
ويذبح الربيع والأشواق
والضفائر السوداء
و شرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يصنع تاج الشرف الرفيع
من جماجم النساء
لا تنتقدني سيدي
إن كان الخط سيئاً
فإنني اكتب والسياف خلف بابي
وخارج الحجرة صوت الريح والكلاب
يا سيدي
عنترة العبسي خلف بابي
إذا رأى خطابي
يقطع رأسي
لو رأى الشفاف من ثيابي
يقطع رأسي
لو انا عبرت عن عذابي
فشرقكم يا سيدي العزيز
يحاصر المرأة بالحراب
يبايع الرجال أنبياء
ويطمر النساء في التراب
لا تنزعج !
يا سيدي العزيز ... من سطوري
لا تنزعج !
إذا كسرت القمقم المسدود من عصور
إذا نزعت خاتم الرصاص عن ضميري
إذا انا هربت
من أقبية الحريم في القصور
إذا تمردت , على موتي ...
على قبري
على جذوري
و المسلخ الكبير
لا تنزعج يا سيدي !
إذا انا كشفت عن شعوري
فالرجل الشرقي
لا يهتم بالشعر و لا الشعور ...
الرجل الشرقي
لا يفهم المرأة إلا داخل السرير ...
معذرة .. معذرة يا سيدي
إذا تطاولت على مملكة الرجال
الأدب الكبير ـ طبعاً ـ أدب الرجال والحب كان دائماً
من حصة الرجال
والجنس كان دائما ً
مخدراً يباع للرجال
خرافة حرية النساء في بلادنا
فليس من حرية
أخرى ، سوى حرية الرجال
يا سيدي
قل ما تريده عني ، فلن أبالي سطحية . غبية .
مجنونة . بلهاء فلم اعد أبالي
لأن من تكتب عن همومها ..
في منطق الرجال امرأة حمقاء
ألم اقل في أول الخطاب أني
امرأة حمقاء ؟
-نزار قباني-
I don't really know how true it is to the current status of Arab-Muslim women...but there are many things in those lines where I can identify myself with....I even made some of my friends who are not really into the "women's Rights" thing read it, and to my surprise they liked it..despite the fact that this may be a little too bold for the conservetivative masses (including my friends) many people are having very subjective opinions about it...and now its time for my fellow bloggers to express their views on this little piece..Both MALE and FEMALE...
What's this debate about again? :/
Just tell me how you feel about it cece...that's all I'm asking for...sorry if I got you confused over there...
Nah it's all right. You were clear, but I don't understand the poem very well. (Yes, I barely passed my Arabic classes)... Shame. Talk about stupid girls like me. That'll be ironic. HAHA! ;P~
LOL @ CECE !!!
Sugarfree Sweety: What can I say! ya3ni yaity 3al 3oog! w '6erabty 3al watar el 7assas... meta ma ay 7ad ye6ry 7o8oo8 el mar2a ana awwal we7da afza3 w an6eg w a'6aaareb ba3ad! LOL am ready to talk NONSTOP about it.... lakin the poem illi 7a66aiteeh speaks for me 100% honestly !! :S !! EVERY WORD ! It's like el MAR2A AL 7AM8AA2 elli ye6reeha fil poem is ME.
3ad killa wala this part:
الرجل الشرقي
لا يفهم المرأة إلا داخل السرير ...
w hatha ITHA FEHAMHA... w STILL ydawwer '3airha! LOL <-- LA MAY'6A77EK...laish ana 7a66a lol! :S !! hehe
Bas you know what's facinating? The fact that the poem is written by Nizar who is a MAN!
Which proves one thing which is enna el ryayeel 3arfeen 3marhom w 3arfeen kaif '6a'36een 3al mar2a w dayseen 3alaihom... bas guess what? They also know that they NEEEEEEEEED us. And they would DIE without us :P no matter how much they deny our importance. Because The truth is.. we're like OXYGEN to them!
Lovely post Sugar-free! 7eragty a39aaaaaby !!! hehe
Objection *** a while there I thought my writings are getting more and more complicated, I thought I was heading the Virginia woolf path but thanx for pointing out that its just that your Arabic is makes me feel girl...Nizar was an exception to men because he himself witnessed his sister's suicide after she was forced into marrying another guy instead of the one she loved...but whats interesting is that Nizar himself had two wives, so i don't really know what ot say about that...
and I absolutely agree with you on the point that they can't live without us...but there is no appreciation what so ever...and that as you said needs an "Objection"....
well, the poem is true! and it resembles in somehow our current status!
Am with women's rights! but there's always a limit. For Instance, a woman can hang out and have fun, but she must be "mo2adaba" and don't show -3ala golat salman 7amed- her "mfatenha" :P
ReKoo... of course you're with 7o8oo8 el mar2a cuz if you're not you'd be dead by now !! *still angry*! LOL just kidding... walla your tafkeeer is 9a7.
And 3ala 6ary mafatenha, well, here el mar2a has to be smart enough to understand that 7orriyat el mar2a w 7o8oo8ha are not about mafaten. They're about the roles to be played in the society.. the voice to be heard... the actions to be taken and all the 7alal stuff that she's not able to do just cuz the society says no. If Allah says it's okay then who the hell is the "society" to say it's not?
amaazing post Sugar!
and as CANCERIAN said yait 3ala el 3oug =P and BIG LOOL 3ALA her comment! I mean I agree with her all the way =P
I must admit, such a powerful poem!
It is funny how this poem to a certain extent reflects the reality and status of women today and back then! ((I stress again, to a certain extent))
Yeah, as Cancerian said earlier, It amazes me how A man would be able to write a poem of this sort and ironic and funny how you mentioned he was married to wives!
I think some people could interpret
this poem differently!
Hmm.. I was wondering if you can give us background as to why this poem was written. =D If you know ofcourse, and please share your views with us!
rekoo...ofcourse I'm talking about resposible rights with limits...I so don't believe in so called "lip-stick feminism" where they strip women out of their clothes and say thats the only way of women's liberation...that is only leading women to becoming suxual objects and nothing more than a life-less statue displayed for the masses...unfortunately that kind of women are becoming very popular in our culture too...thanx to the likes of Haifa and Nancy...
Cee...ur contributions are always great...its like you read my thoughts before I even express them...keep it up sis..
Dee...Miss you lots...can't wait to see you...*Hugz*
As for why this poem was written, I don't really have the exact information about it...but as I told you before that his sister's suicide made a rebel out of him, in fact alot of his work talks about women's rights in the Arab World..he was very vocal with his views about women of his region and got extreme levels of criticism for the things he said
They even made a tv series based on his life which was broadcasted during Ramadan...But I don't watch much tv during Ramadan any more...but there are things he said about women's rights that were too much and I didn't agree with and thats why I was surprised that the guy himself was married to two wives...
As for my opinion on this poem...I love it...I do believe that many of our men can't handle an educated and successful wonder our divorce rates are the highest among the gulf countries..because many of our men don't know how to behave and interact with a smart, educated many women have more college degrees than men...and this is something that most of the men can't come to terms i hope there will be more appreciation for brains and feelings rather than looks and obedience...
"because many of our men don't know how to behave and interact with a smart, educated woman..."
Girl you said it right ;)
a9ab3 yadich mo suwa! :D
Ofcourse Missy...I'm not generalizing...I mean me Cancerian and Dee all have amazing fathers...we were raised by good men and we know that they exist...its just the current youth and their problems accepting a more successful women of our times...
To the poem -> Enough said
Though it does reflect the reality nowadays, but it has improved a tiny bit since then.
Though, it speaks greatly about men's mentality when it comes to women.
After all, Nizar is women's knight of the light
Missy: Yeah .. it's only fair to say that men are not all the same. Just like women.. we're not all the same... good and bad exists everywhere and it's normal. :)
:( Please don't post Arabic again. (a) =D
TOUCHE'...ur aboslutely right..he was this sole speaker for women's rights at a certain time in the Arab World...thanx for pasing by.. will try my best...but I can't promise you anything coz I looooooove Arabic...its a very deep and detailed language...and as u may know love lies in details...Don't worry though my Arabic isn't prfect got ruined after I entered the
loool sugar free.... 5ala9 my next post will be in arabic! Bakteb ay shay! it will take me ages though..
Allah yer7am ayyam "3afaf '3andoor" .. w "e3tedal 3othman" hehehehe
Ahhhhh 3afaf...that lady ruined me for life...pleeez I'm much more happy moving on from that one class from
Yeahh.. ESPECIALLY 3afaf!
I truly respect you.
Sugar..... New post =( ??
Please I love it when your posts are in english :D I am sorry if I am being picky but my 3rbic is poor :(
Hey Cancerian...sorry dear...I was in AD during the weekend and I had no internet access....I'm back and hpefully I'll be able to post as mush as possible...
Amu...bro...c' some appreciation for the mother me like all of you I'm not fluent in Arabic either..but I believe that I have a certain duty towards this language and preserving don't worry...i've decided to torture you guys with some more Arabic untill you guys come across and start loving ya soon.
I am sorry :( I am sure I am forgiven :D
wow thats nice! :P i loved it il sara7a !! bs ppl u gotta admit that poem is amazing !! ;p and so amazingly true about some teeny tiny things :P
Me Agree with the poem 100% in the east its all about MEN uggghhh me wanna be man! u know even in the modern west its right that women got their rights but still there are high rate of violence and other crimes toward women, women prison isn't the east but their bodies!
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