Why Do They Hate Us???

A few days ago I was surfing through different blogs, and all of a sudden I came across this blog http://secretdubai.blogspot.com/ ......I'm not sure how many of you know about this site, but as for myself it was a total shock of how much grudge many expatriates hold against the local masses of the UAE....There are no information about the person's profile or even any clue if it is a job of an individual or a group of people....
The blog touches many taboo issues about the local culture and some controversial news....and I see absolutely no harm in talking about things that need to be brought up in day-light, and I'm all for freedom of speech and constructive criticism....But I absolutely do not support this cheap-tabloid, bullying, perez hilton type of attitude and barbaric manner. I must say that before reading this blog, I though only Fox News and parts of the western media thought of us in that way, but this site opened my eyes to this fueling hatered within many expatriates in our land...
I started noticing that many of my expatriate work collegues have very stereotypical thoughts about me and my fellowe Emiratis....I can understand a bit of their language, and they pretty much think that we are these backward race of people, who became rich over-night, and now we are here to take their jobs away from them despite the fact that they are the ones who deserve it much more than us. Today we were sitting in the cantine where they have a set of TV and reciever...and one of the young local guys working with me started flipping the channels and stopped at a very embarassing scene where the remote simply stuck and refused to change to the next channel....I went to bring me something from the vending machine and I can hear some expatriates saying in their "language"....What a lazy porn loving guy..a typical local"..... All of a sudden I remembered this blog I was reading the other night...and how much dissing took place against the the UAE nationals there....at that moment it became clear that it is more than an internet thing...in fact it may have escladed into a national phenomena.....
These people are as bad as those living in the western countries....they have no clue what so ever about the local taste and culture....and unfotunately they claim that they do have enough knowledge and have done their homework....One of the articles that angered me was about Lt Dahi Khalfan's quote on labeling the owners of the current Arab Entertainment channels as "Electronic Pimps" .....and how this is such a lame thing to say and it contradicts everything happening in Dubai (ofcourse if you read the article you'll know that I have rephrased it in such a nicer way that its almost the opposite of what the author wanted to say...simply because I don't talk the tabloid bullying language).....The blogger even questions how can a TV channel(or an SMS to a TV channel) threaten the national security....Well this point proves that the guy can not even read Arabic...coz if he understood the stupid and crazy things written on screen and the high chances of those things sent by a 13 year old, he would've definately known what Mr. Khalfan was trying to say....
We can't understand homosexuality....we can't understand pre-marital relationships just the way these people can't understand our conservitiveness, so what gives them the right to bully us with our thoughts when we can't agree with theirs either???
I remember once a visitor from America come to our university and asked us in an SBS class the following question....."Despite being the native people of this land, you guys are still considered a minority....in that case where do you see you and your people in 10 years from now....are they gonna be scattered and on the verge of extinction like the Native americans...or will they still be in control?".........Well I'm not sure of the future....as no one else is....but one thing I know for sure is WE WILL NOT END UP LIKE THE NATIVE AMERICANS....INSHALLAH.....and we will try to preserve our values, beliefs and culture....Inshallah...
ANd unfortunately it's a sad fact. SOmething that really evokes anger.
Those people will never really open their eyes to meeting, face to face, the true fact that they don't own the world. Based on that, I ask this question: Since when is the world forced to live by THEIR traditions making all other traditions and cultures "backward".
Everybody is different to somebody. But this, they will never understand.
One more thing.... Those people should really see TODAY how lucky they are for having our respect as they live luxuriously in Dubai! They should know that they NEEED us. We don't NEED them. We have needed them a long time ago. Hey! Eveybody needs a first push. They also did one day didnt they? They lived in the dark ages once didn't they?
Our universities and cities and uptowns and downtowns are more of a PARADISE to them.... so yes if there's one thing that these expatriates should do it would be this: " GO BACK TO THEIR COUNTRIES IF THEY THINK THeY'Re WAY MUCH BETTER THAN OURS! but oooops wait a minute... THEY CAN'T DO THAT CAN THEY? cuz they need our money! Yup! Money is all they worship! Now who's "backward"! Please tell me.
Dear expatriates, If we are so ignorant.... if we are so background... if we are so lame and stupid, what brings you to us? Nobody dragged you! Nobody forced you to sign contracts! You forced yourselves because you worship MONEY.
Facts about my beloved UAE and READ THEM WELL, DEAR EXPATRIATES:
- A COUNTRY BUILT AND COMPLETELY DEVELOPED IN a rate of 5 years.... what does that tell you about its citizens? That they're lazy? That theyr'e dumb? Yes you helped but guess what? Who CONTROLLED? WHO COORDINATED? WHO PLANNED AND WHO THOUGHT TO DECIDE AND WHO's STRATEGIES WERE THEY? ALL YOU HAVE IS "techniques" and with who's money? OURS.
THank YOU! .....
Note: I hate to generalize... There are expatriates who know what appreciation is.
And those who don't see much respect, well ask yourselves first if you have what deserves to be respected... why couldn't it be that there's something wrong with you? Because if you were respectful you will surely get the respect you deserve. The more you appreciate the more you get appreciated....
All my respect to those who know respect.... and I SPIT in the faces of those who talk of nothing but "sh*T".
Sugar-free sweetie: 7eragty a39abna ! LOL But excellent topic and really something that neeeded to be discussed and brought up. :)
I can feel the patriotic tone in your voice....and this is what the angry me would've said too...but the thing is these people are not worth it Canc3riaN.....our fellow Arabs and Muslims in foreign countries are also treated very harshly and I wanted to say that unlike you, so called "civilized" people, we are not gonna act racistly....because we will never be like you....but the answer you said is the exact thing that any angry patriotic person would feel and I applaude you for that, for you have said things that I couldn't for debating reason....thanx dear as your comment means alot
Sugar-Free sweetie,
A great warm thank you goes to you for raising a topic that we young educated Emaratis has longed to talk about and discuss.
The person hiding behind this nickname is a female, working in Dubai for couple of years not very LONG.
From my readings, I’ve realized that secret Dubai likes to use articles from the media as subjects of her posts and comment on events and issues. You can say she was one of the first bloggers who started the trend of bashing the UAE for fame, claiming it is constructive criticisms. If her intentions were to create a change, a better UAE or Dubai, she should’ve thought that our FIRST language is ARABIC. Our decision makers here speak and read Arabic; if she really cared to communicate to the Hamoors here in the UAE she should’ve started an Arabic blog rather than an English one.
As media students, we perfectly know that if we wanted to efficiently get our message across to our target audience to create change we should always use a proper language for our target audience.
Obviously from what I’ve observed in her blog she is just hiding behind her so-called weak excuse of constructive criticism in order to create a change. I’ve to you can say, I’ve grown to become immune to her stupid twist thoughts and constant comparison between her own ideologies and ours. Therefore, I don’t make the effort to even read her blog anymore because it is simply and clearly bias and it will remain this way for she will never change or say one positive thing about the country that is hosting her and paying her salary.
So I rest my case on SD because her blog will remain hopeless and her claims and posts and words will not get her anywhere and would not change anything, since her target publics and readers are not the decision makers in OUR country =P So let her soar plain hatred and bias view go down the drain.
About the incident you just mentioned, well… I would’ve done said something you know me =P. I’ve came across a similar situation where I was in the library in uni, in front of coffee beans sipping my coffee and doing my work. Next to me was a table filled with instructors and they were all bashing the UAE, showing their ungratefulness and mocking and underestimating Emarati Men. Imagine this incident happening at a government owned university?
I believe whiners and bias people are NEWBIES you can say to the UAE, they are ungrateful filled with jealousy for their own home country wouldn’t provide half of the amenities that the UAE is offering them. Or else they wouldn’t be here from the first place?!!
I believe in tolerance and acceptance, but I don’t believe in implementing their ideologies on us. I will simply not accept it today or ever. So if I come across one of those haters in my life (real) I wouldn’t give them the pleasure of bashing for I will not stay quite. I mean here on the internet they just hiding behind nicknames which shows how hmm…TWOFACED people could be.
About our population and us being a minority. Inshallah if I ever get married and was able to have children I will make sure I have 6. I know raising them would be hard but I would be 100% there to raise them.
About Dhahi Khalfan, I admire this man so much. I feel he is like a father to me. The way THAT blogger interpreted what he said just shows you how SHE is simply narrow-minded.
:D Sugar-free sweetie THANKS for the applaude :$... bas walla you know what I mean annd feel so it's needless to explain more. And again like you said..... they're not worth it.
Dynamic: i must say lets focus on our future...... ;) That's how we'll show them.
ye8hroooooon :|!!! LOL
sugar: It's not just there, that even happens here....I always say all these expats one thing....If you are not happy with us then why don't you go back to your country.. and they have no answer to that..
Hey Dee....thanx for giving me some geat info about the owner of that stupid blog...I know they hate arabs and muslims everywhere and bash them in every way possible...but this will not happen in An Amizingly developed Muslim-Arab Country like ours...
Canc3riaN...I totally understand dear, these people do act really ignorant...Daim I have evoked some raw emotions in you...lol
Amu...well if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen...it is as simple as that...thanx for passing...
"Fox News" lol, that was exactly my observation!
Great post, I share your sentiments. Shame you guys kind of missed the debate on my blog.
Any comments would still be welcome, though.
Wow i*maginate..you did a great job standing up against these kind of people who claim "Freedom of Speech" but can't even handle its symptoms...I'll try to join you and stand in your support ASAP inshallah...c ya soon.
I *have* been unbanned, sugar-free sweetie ;)
Thanks for visiting and sharing your view. Looking forward to reading your future posts...
Yalla sugar... new post please ... I like to check your blog.
Your wish is my command Canc3riaN.....hehehe
Yippeeeee =D
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