Gym Class Heroes

Just like the previous summer, I made the decision to re-join the gym that is very close to my house. I was always the sporty kind of girl during my school years, I was a Gymnastic and was inrolled in the soccer team. But during high school years and with the huge amount of studies I had to do, this interest slowly faded away, and last year I discovered that I have lost some of the flexibility I had and wasn't able to perform some of my signature moves. I decided to gain back those moves by joining the gym.
I'm not obese in any way, hell I'm not even Fat in fact people around me think that i can easily fall in the skinny category (not braging about it just explaining for the thought ahead). My only intention for going to the gym was to be fit, but that wasn't the case when I reached there. At the entrance there was this image of this super skinny girl with slogan on it reading be slim, step inside the gym, and again you are surrounded by these extremely waifish ladies that are trapped inside the walls through a big giant poster.
As I mentioned I'm more of a skinny type and I was depressed by seeing these images when in fact they are there at first place to serve as a means of inspiration for women to work out even harder. At that point I started wondering about the feelings of other women who have more havier bodies, How do these ladies feel when looking at these pictures?....Isn't it too harsh to be bombarded by images like these from all over the place??...I know this is what the current standard of beauty is but at least the gym should've opted to promote a little more healthier image of women....the internet and television are already doing enough to promote this trend, so can't the gym just stay out of it please??
As I was leaving the place for another hard day at the gym...I took one last look at these ladies who are working even harder and enduring all the pain heroicly simply to look like the girl they're looking at inside the poster and fid-in the current criteria for being a woman...Gone are the days when a healthier looking woman was the real appeal because that meant she comes from a rich household (pre-Islamic eras) and say hello to the era of girls that look like they are starving and are in a desperate need of a sandwich...
mmm goodluck with the exercise? you need to control your food too to loose some kilos, if thats what you are looking for :)
Lovely start!
and your last sentence cracked me up! Loool!
So true, I cannot agree more.
But you see you go for fitness, and health and to stay in shape and to regain the flexibility you once had. Most people go there to loose weight, and SOME by looking at those sort of posters they feel encouraged to work hard.
From a business and an advertising prespective the gym would naturally hang those posters to ensure guests and members that this how "this" gym would make them look like the woman in the poster! They use it as a mean to get people to sign up!
I wish you the best of luck.
Heeey amaaaazing post Sugar-Free Sweetie and I couldn't have talked about it any better!! Well, I guess you and I should talk cuz i'm not flexible at all.... I don't need weight loss.. I just need to strengthen my muscles and be more flexible... I take Body Combat lessons and i see my friend sara performing higher kicks and i go like "GOD!!!!!" loool mashalla 3alaiha.heheh I guess you and Dynamic should join us! Then we will soon start SALSA dancing.
Your last sentence also crack me up, as Dynamic said... and it's really true.. my grandma always talks about it and she says that it's not only the girls who changed the concept of a good looking girl, but also the MEN started to support those crazy ideas and are part of the reason why girls are killing themselves... men today like very slim (almost skinny) girls claiming that it's sexy. Well yeah we know that we're sexy but we also know we're not HEALTHY :P
Keep the good posts up (y)
But their is a difference between having a healthy body, (not wayed muscly, and being skinny).
The posters I use to see in the gym are of some sport athletic chicks. =p They look stiff and tough, and I wouldn't want to look like that. I like me =P, lets start a photo shoot and I would be el model. We could change the concept of skinny,and make curvy & fit the next obessed size zero =P
hehehehe JK
amu..hey bro, seems like you didn't get what i was trying to worries bro u were not suppose to..its more of a girl thing ^_*.....thanx 4 passing by though...means alot
Hey Dee, I know its encouraging, but some of those girls looked really thin...and I mean Nicole richie thin...they changed the posters this year, and compared to last year these posters just didn't seem right, nor gave me any positive vibes while working out.
P.S. Dee ur already a super model dear...the more exotic version of Adriana Lima...HeHeHe.
Hey Canc3riaN...thanx for your sweet comment...and I will talk to Dee about joining you..its so wierd how everything is changing in this world...body image, beauty standards and even the meannings of words...allah yester.
I have read many good news that "skinny" is losing its trend. Being "meaty" and healthy is the current fashion. I was interested about this topic. I made a survey asking men who they thought is more attractive and healthy. Skinny got the least vote. Hurray! Not only that, but also current fashion models MUST be AT LEAST of the size 8. Another hurray!
And finally, I congratulate you for having such a spirit. ;)
sara : that's ONE LOUD HURRAAAAYYY from me !!! lol excellent news for everyone! Thanks
Canc3riaN, I know! :D 7adda COOL!
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