Sugar Land

Caution: It may Get too sweet or simply too sour for your taste, so BE WARE!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

City of Life....a sad but beautiful journey

Ever since I heard the buzz surrounding the first ever full length Emarati Film at the 2009 Dubai International Film Festival, I got myself on a mission to watch it. The Movie "Dar al 7ay" or 'City of Life' is directed by Ali F. Mostafa, A london Film School Graduate whose resume includes some local ads and a short movie called "Under the Sun"

Last week I finally watched the movie after months of skipping on exclusive screenings or film festivals all courtesy of my busy schedule and I must say it was worth the wait.

The movie tells three different stories belonging to three different individuals from different backgrounds and different paths of life all living in the city of Dubai. Their lives collide in a moment that changes everything forever. The de-glamourised Dubai and what it hides behind its sky scrapers is the journey this movies promises you to take on.

As a first timer for a full length movie, Mr. Mostafa proves to be a pro rather than an amateur, his techniques in filming allows people who even know Dubai the most go on a special expedition through his lens.

As for a personal opinion, the movie was more of a reality to people like me rather than a story that needs to be seen....maybe the expatriate stories are a bit foreign to me, but I'm sure the character played by Saood Al Kaabi and his friend Iraqi-Canadian Rapper The Narcissist should strike a chord with 98% of the Emarati households.

The sad reality of how the male youth acts in our society is very boldly presented in the movie, and I haven't met one person who was the personification of Saood's character and actually lives that life style, likes the movie. They usually go, well not all Emaratis are like that. YES, not all of them are like that but you are, so why don't you start with yourself and become one of the "Not all of them are like that" category.

One more thing which saddened me during my time at the movie, was how hysterically some of the boys were laughing at some of the most intense scenes of the can you get the massage across if that doesn't tell you that this lifestyle that you're living is eventually going to lead to self-distruct? How can you fix these big messes? Can they even be fixed?

I did object to some of the scenes though where there was some skin show or some sort of display of affection, I could've seen it without those parts baring in mind that it is an Emarati product and it has to have some sort of conservative restrictions attached to it, but I guess this was done in order for it to have a more global appeal as they are planning to release it overseas as well.

None the less the movie is turning point in the Emarati film making industry, and Even for all the Arab cinema fraternity as I think Ali has raised the bar for all the movies ever to come out of this region.

Dubai lover, Dubai haters, UAE Lovers, UAE Haters...EVERYONE should go watch this movie and see no matter how different we are and no matter how different our problems may be, the pain and the agony of the human spirit will still remain the same....

Mr. Mostafa has done us all proud....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Amazing TV!!!

It's been a while since I saw a great show on TV, especially after witnessing the late 90s-early 2000s golden era where TV was at its highest peak with great shows which satisfied all tastes and included various genres.....Now all we have is Gossip Girl and Desperate housewives (& all of them are going Gay..or rather Lesbian) but for the past month I have been absolutely hooked on the Amazing Race.....

Now let me tell you that I'm in no way remotely interested in reality shows...but this one is far from the current definition and reputation of "Today's Reality shows"....The show is about twelve teams competing against one another in a race around the world for....well the American version pays you $ 1 Million while the Asian's prize money is worth $ 100000. The general manager of SPE Networks-Asia which runs AXN and airs The Amazing Race Asia (TARA), Ricky Ow explained the smaller prize compared to the American version, saying, "It is not really about the money but the adventure and opportunity to be in one of the world's greatest reality shows".

and I absolutely agree with him....just take a look at the places they visit and the stuff they do...and you expect them to pay you??!!!
the experience in itself is worth way more them a million bucks....and I wish that the Arab world would have a version of their own...and quit doing those stupid shows like Ton of Cash and Star Academy....Besides I would so want to get on the show and travel the world and finish those legs (Hey, a girl can dream now, Can't she?)

The show also puts all sort of relationships to test....Siblings, Parent/child, Friends, Married Couple, Dating....etc. and allows you to witness some tense moments among team-mates, while they go through a series of emotions throughout the race, and while finishing challenges or as they are called on the race, legs. This is one of the greatest USPs of the show where you as a viewer feel the raw emotions of competitors.
The link below is the 1st episode of the second season of TARA...I absolutely loved it though initially I had my doubts and criticism comparing it to the original...but once you start to settle down and get to know all the teams you end up loving it...I was routing for those two phillipino guys Marc & Rovilson....they are sooooooooo funny, intelligent and strong....things that not only allow them to do great on the race but allows the viewers to get glued to the screens and enjoy watching the race...

P.S. I wouldn't want to recommend older versions of the originals because the race has been updated through out the years and currently it is in its 16Th you better watch TAR Season 15 (American)....they visit Dubai and...oh well just youtube it