Sugar Land

Caution: It may Get too sweet or simply too sour for your taste, so BE WARE!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

So I'm Back.....

Yes I am...and it's so good to be back...alot has happened since the last time I blogged...I left as a student but now I'm back as a full-time employee
My biggest concern is not submitting projects on deadlines anymore (Although I do miss it as being an end of the world thing for me) and I've realized how silly that one used to after university is far more difficult yet more enjoyable
I have leaned that no one will grade you with As or Fs but sometimes a smile and tap on your shoulder is all that you need to give it your all...
I am at a time where everything is possible....where life is I have a goal...YES...I wanna be the best damn media & PR person this country knows...hell even the whole Muslim World should know about me ;-)

I have also seen some weird people and other interesting ones...I have been labeled as the innocent one and the naive first I was offended...but coming to think of an extend I maybe am...I didn't expect people to be that be that bad...I guess I have no one else to blame but myself....

I would write further more on that subject later on...WB Sugar....